Archive | February, 2015

Winners should be grinners. They’ve earned it.

12 Feb

To the winner goes the spoils.. we all look at the prize money, the trophy cabinet, the endorsements, the celebrity of playing wNovak and Mats Eurosport studioinning tennis (or any other sport or winning at business). There is a whole lot more that goes into the total package. Don’t fall for the “all sports people / entertainers are so overpaid” line. As a very small insight into the extra-curricular demands on a Grand Slam winner, Novak Djokovic was still in his match gear and had only stopped in the locker room for 90 seconds to embrace his entourage before being shunted out to seven TV studio and live interview sites (as pictured in the Eurosport live studio with Mats Wilander) – all prior to doing his mandatory press conference, including radio’s, one on ones and then compulsory drug testing… Over 2 hours later he made it back to the locker room. And his was a short version of what happens when Roger Federer, for example wins, more requests, answers in 3 languages… These guys deserve their paycheck. And the current crop at the top are all really decent human beings. Credit to them. Role models one and all.  The PRO